A General Election has been called for the 4th July

Parliament has been dissolved until after the General Election and I am no longer the MP.

If you would like to join my campaign, email [email protected]

Useful Contact Information

South Tyneside residents

South Tyneside Council – 0191 427 7000 / [email protected]

South Tyneside Council emergency out of hours number – 0191 455 6111

South Tyneside Homes – 0300 123 6633 / [email protected]

South Tyneside Homes homelessness service – 0800 141 2645 (freephone)  / 0191 456 2093 (out of office hours) or email [email protected]

Citizens Advice South Tyneside – 0808 2787824 (Adviceline open Mon-Fri from 1.30pm-4.30pm)

Citizens Advice South Tyneside Debt Hotline number – 07947899163

South Tyneside District Hospital – 0191 404 1000

Bede’s Helping Hands Foodbank – 0191 816 3021

Hebburn Helps – 0191 489 9707

Boldon Community Association Foodbank – 0191 5368085


Gateshead residents

Gateshead Council – 0191 433 3000 / https://www.gateshead.gov.uk/article/8201/Contact-Gateshead-Council

Gateshead Council Housing – 0191 433 5353 / Contact housing services – Gateshead Council

Gateshead Council homelessness service – 0191 433 3174 / [email protected] / 0191 477 0844 (out of hours support)

Citizens Advice Gateshead – 0808 278 7902 / Contact Us – Citizens Advice Gateshead

The Felling Food Network – The Felling Food Network – Supporting People in Food Poverty


Household emergencies

Electricity – Northern Powergrid – 105

Gas – Northern Gas Networks – 0800 111 999

Northumbrian Water emergency contact number – 0345 717 1100

Other services

MIND – 0300 123 3393 (open 9am to 6pm Mon to Fri except bank holidays)

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) – 0800 58 58 58 (open 5pm until midnight, 365 days a year)

Samaritans – 116 123 (freephone, open 24/7)

National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247 (free 24 hour helpline for women who have experienced domestic abuse, ran by Refuge)

Men’s Advice Line – 0808 801 0327 (provides confidential advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse, open 9am to 8pm except bank holidays)

If you or someone else is at immediate risk of harm or needs medical assistance, please contact the emergency services by telephoning 999.