King Charles delivered his first king’s speech today, outlining the Tory government’s plans for laws over the next Parliamentary session.
Kate Osborne MP for the Jarrow constituency has slammed the Government’s speech today stating: “We have a Government that has given up on governing. In 2022 they announced 29 legislative Bills, though more than a third were abandoned or not introduced. With just 21 Bills announced in this King’s Speech, it’s clear they are spent. This speech failed to deliver for communities, businesses or for the North of England.
This zombie Government needs to go – we need a general election now.”
Following the speech Kate Osborne MP said:
After 13 years and five Tory Prime Ministers, we now have a government that has given up on governing – they have no new ideas, no plans to improve people’s lives in our country, no support for communities or small businesses.
In 2022 they announced 29 legislative bills – more than 1/3 of them were abandoned or not introduced, today they announced just 21 and most of them won’t see the light of day.
The speech failed to deliver for the people of the UK, failed to deliver for communities, businesses or for the North of England. The measures won’t tackle the housing crisis, the NHS crisis, the cost of living crisis or lift any of the 6000 hungry kids in Jarrow out of poverty and despite us seeing the worst energy bills crisis in a generation, they admitted themselves their lauded flagship plans in the Kings Speech won’t cut energy bills by a single penny.
Their awful plans to remove tents from homeless people may have been dropped by Sunak, but it portrays the callous and contemptuous way they view people. Their housing plans are a gross betrayal of the promise to help renters.
Their failure to ban conversion therapy shows a callous disregard for LGBTQ+ people living in this country.
We have a morally compromised Government who are attempting to gaslight the country.
Blaming NHS workers for the NHS crisis they caused, doubling down on their anti worker rhetoric, when the right to strike is a fundamental human right protected in UK and International law.
Talking up that inflation has finally started to fall – despite knowing the damage has already been done and the cost of living crisis will be even worse for most people this winter. Talking up their plans to be tough on crime – whilst 90% of crimes go unsolved.
Their sleaze, cronyism, and failure to deliver on promises has left the country in a mess, degraded Parliament and eroded trust in politicians.
This Zombie Government is spent – the General election can not come soon enough.