In complete contrast, on meeting the President’s Director of communications he told us how people saying there is no water and no aid are spreading disinformation – and gave us all a book on how President Erdogan has dealt with the crisis – the book contained pictures of the President shirt rolled up helping out. We were told the death toll is in the region of 50/60,000 a shocking figure – but again people on the ground and the opposition have the death toll of at least double that.
We met with all of the opposition parties in coalition as well as AKP and those not in the coalition including Sadaat, Deva, CHP, İyi Parti, TDP, HDP, Gelecek as well as trade unions, human rights organisations, NGO’s and stakeholders.
The vast majority of people we met were confident (to varying degrees) that the coalition would win the Presidential elections – the parliamentary elections were harder to call with many not wanting to commit to predictions.