Read Kate’s latest column for the Shields Gazette:
Climate Change is without a doubt the greatest threat to humanity across the globe. The United Nations Chief has said that we are at a crucial point, and they have given a ‘code red for humanity’. With the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow less than three months away, this Government must act now. We all must act now.
There can be no delay if we are to prevent a climate catastrophe. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the targets made in the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 will not be achieved this century unless huge cuts in carbon emissions take place.
Here in the North East, South Tyneside Council have already been taking proactive steps to reduce the impact our communities have on the environment. Investment into green energy solutions like the multi-million-pound Hebburn Minewater Project are proving the Council’s commitment to combating climate change.
Further to the Hebburn Minewater Project, South Tyneside Council has also set a target to be carbon neutral by 2030. The Council are dedicated to meeting this target and last month ran a Week of Action to highlight the challenges around climate change. Throughout the week of action, young people were encouraged to discuss the positive and negative effects the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the environment. Schools were also encouraged to promote sustainability by hosting uniform swaps and organising zero-waste meals.
I feel it is important to work with the next generation to see how we can collectively work together towards a greener and more sustainable future across our local communities. Therefore I want to build upon South Tyneside Council’s Week of Action and encourage young people to speak out on what needs to be done to improve our environment.
I will be contacting all schools in the Jarrow Constituency to gather ideas from pupils and find out what changes they plan to make in their own lives to combat climate change. I also want to know what the school-age children from the Jarrow Constituency expect the Government to be doing to combat climate change.
It is my hope that this Crusade Against Climate Change will help drive forward our communities in a greener, more sustainable way. While big businesses are the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, we can all take steps as individuals to affect change. If we take these individual steps collectively, we can, as a community reduce our impact on the environment.
It is so important that the next generation feel their voices are being heard, especially with the big issues like climate change. I hope this campaign will encourage children to become more actively involved in tackling these issues.
I will take the key issues raised by the children of the Jarrow Constituency and collate them into a letter to the Prime Minister.
I will be releasing further information on how Under-18s can get involved with this campaign and do their part in my Crusade Against Climate Change. If you have any questions about how you can get involved, please do not hesitate to contact me via [email protected].